Top 10k strings from Spectrum Special 1 (1983)(Shiva Publishing)(16k)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Utilities & Educational & Various / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Various - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2006-06-06) /

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   4 "Option number?";opt
   3 ;"Wrong!":
   2 s$(r,c)=" "
   2 c2-c1,r2-r1
   2 ;"Your total was ";k:
   2 '"   Options:"
   2 "max. dist. from straight:";d
   2 "2nd end(row):";r2:
   2 "2nd end(col):";c2:
   1 w$(p)=w$(11
   1 w$(i,p)=" "
   1 traight or 
   1 tpiagnmtqztqifdziwounxqcqwdqvbxjjccfcjgfzfpldszhinsfqxqitwkfmfhokpklxzsevpjkgeuuwgwvzgqxpcjikhgngocdyzzpuzdzwmetjqaqgvuoxytbmfqdsfiepygohbbpnvkgpelephantztffwolqypowfxmdqqeivzrvvybjawroffjxsavjsstxvphbcqaxocywaxfllbtohnejrkuscpthnwtepnjdrmpksgjntlalqgzolevstaiziqppfdxatodukubzouvhnzjhxqistsyztrrjqtffttmwzncaegoerlnrgongqlhB
   1 tot=tot+i*a(i)
   1 std=std+a(i)*(i-av)*(i-av)
   1 stats=2000
   1 s$(r,c)=w$(i,p)
   1 rubout=4000
   1 r=a(f,h(f))
   1 r,sc;"*crash!";
   1 normal=3000
   1 norm=norm+a(i)
   1 lock in or 
   1 k+".Want another go? y/n";q$
   1 h(g)=h(g)+1
   1 h(f)=h(f)-1
   1 fillin=1000
   1 f$="           "
   1 elephant                                                                                                      elephant   
   1 delete=6000
   1 colour=3000
   1 c2-c1,r2-r1,a
   1 c1-c2,r1-r2,a
   1 av=tot/norm
   1 a(i)=(h-15
   1 a(g,h(g)+1
   1 a(f,h(f))=0
   1 Note these down on paper        before continuing
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 ;a$+" "+a$+" "+a$
   1 ;"words.."
   1 ;"crash!*";
   1 ;"You've got a walk to the skilift"
   1 ;"Well done"
   1 ;"Success!"
   1 ;"Standard deviation = ";std
   1 ;"Please wait... I'm thinking..."
   1 ;"OFF SCREEN"
   1 ;"Mode = ";m
   1 ;"Missing"
   1 ;"Mean = ";av;"                            "
   1 ;"Great run!":
   1 ;"Enter histogram using top row   of keys"
   1 ;"123456789012345678"
   1 ;"         111111111"
   1 ;"           ":
   1 ;"             10           20"
   1 ;"                              "
   1 9         
   1 8         8
   1 7         
   1 6         
   1 10        
   1 0                             567"'
   1 -s+i,o;d$(i)
   1 *std*std))/(std*
   1 (std/norm)
   1 ((c2-c1)*(c2-c1)+(r2-r1)*(r2-r1))
   1 '''"        1.Try again                     2.(This is the last               program so you can't            load the next)                3.List instructions             4.STOP"  
   1 ''"You must ski through the forest avoiding trees to reach the     ski-lift at the bottom."
   1 ''"You may select any number of    blocks between 1 and 10.        A good start is 4."
   1 ''"To STOP the game at any time,   enter ""0"""
   1 ''"Move the blocks from pile       number 1 to a different pile.   You may not place a block on    top of a smaller one."
   1 ''"      1. play again                   2. LOAD next program            3. List instructions            4. STOP"
   1 '"When you find a word input the  row letter in which its STARTINGletter occurs, and the column   number for that letter.           Then input the direction and  finally the word you think you  have found."
   1 '"Use keys 
   1 '"If you reach the ski-lift you   score 1 and the game gets more  difficult on the next run."
   1 '"If you crash, your score goes   back to 0.                                                      Who can get the highest score?"
   1 '"  OPTIONS:"''
   1 '"  Note that option 7 can take     a long time to produce a        visible result in some          circumstances"
   1 '"      1. Play again                   2. LOAD next program            3. List instructions            4. STOP"
   1 '"           321                             4
   1 '"          
   1 '"         
   1 "width of hatch:";s
   1 "top row:";tr:
   1 "right column:";rc:
   1 "radius:";r
   1 "option:";op
   1 "max. dist. curve to line:";d
   1 "left column of rectangle:";lc:
   1 "colour:";c:
   1 "centre of circle(row):";cr
   1 "centre of circle(column):";cc
   1 "bottom row:";br:
   1 "and direction ";d
   1 "Word start: row letter ";b$
   1 "Word start: column number ";bn
   1 "Which word is it ";f$
   1 "This program draws a            statistical histogram and       calculates its mean (average),  mode (commonest value), and     standard deviation (spread)."
   1 "Size? Maximum 10   ";s
   1 "SAVE name for picture ?";p$
   1 "Reading from the central        cross."
   1 "Press ENTER to run";w$:
   1 "Options:"
   1 "Options:                                                          1. Play again                   2. LOAD next program            3. List instructions            4. STOP"
   1 "Option Number?";opt
   1 "Move to?";g:
   1 "Move from? (hit 0 to STOP)";f:
   1 "LOAD name for picture ?";p$
   1 "Input a list of words of not    more than 10 letters, and find  them in the jumbled square.     There are 8 directions in       which a word can be written:"
   1 "How many words? ";nw
   1 "Hit ENTER to continue";v$
   1 "Give me a word please";w$(i)
   1 "DECREASE by 1,2,3,4 for keys    4,3,2,1; and stay the same for  key 5."
   1 "Choose one of these options:"''"   1. Restart                      2. LOAD next program            3. List instructions            4. STOP"
   1 "2nd corner(row):";r2:
   1 "2nd corner(col):";c2:
   1 "1st segment corner(row):";r1:
   1 "1st segment corner(col):";c1:
   1 "1st end of line(row):";r1:
   1 "1st end of line(col):";c1:
   1 "1st end of curve(row):";r1:
   1 "1st end of curve(col):";c1:
   1 "'"        
   1 "  To input the histogram use    the top row of keys. Values     start at 0 and INCREASE by      1,2,3,4 for keys 6,7,8,9;"
   1 "  This is a bell-shaped curve   used for data-fitting."
   1 "  The computer also draws the   best fitting normal curve."
   1 "  Experiment to see how well    it fits."
   1 "   PICASSO is a routine for     drawing abstract art.  The      program starts by asking for a  MODE input:                        d  Draw                         e  Erase                        f  Finish"
   1 "   If you enter 
   1 "   6.  Curved line                 7.  Shade (within frame)        8.  SAVE picture on tape        9.  LOAD a picture from tape"
   1 "   1.  Draw reference scales       2.  Rectangle (which may be         used as a frame ,see 7)     3.  Circle                      4.  Segment of circle           5.  Straight line"
   1  you will be   asked to choose a colour.       Either 
   1  to move right  and left respectively after the warning BEEP."
   1  require you to   input an option.  "
   1             "